Telling My First Story

2 min readJun 11, 2021


My story begins with me stating that I am Carol Kuyo, a creative and a Counselling Psychology graduate from the University of Nairobi. I’ve always known that I love creating from when I was way younger where I would always tune to Club Kiboko on Saturdays, made art with my hands, watched the creativity on TV intently and even danced to the music. I have grown to be the type of person who tries out new things and loves most forms of art out there in the world.

I’m glad to say that I have created videos, photos, jewelry and other things that I have mostly enjoyed and I feel like I have set that table for my creativity to thrive in the near future. Creating is one thing I will always do even as I grow older and experience new things in my lifetime. Now I need to set the table for other things.

This is now where Psychology enters the chat and I have to admit that even though I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology and a member of the Kenya Psychological Association, I don’t think I have really explored this field even in terms of practice. I have worked at Mathare Teaching and Referral Hospital as an attaché while in school and I have also worked for Inuka Wellness, a chat based platform aimed at alleviating the mental distress that individuals go through. I have gained some experience from both working with clients face to face and anonymously through the chat based platform. I however feel that I need to always refresh my mind given that I’m currently not working with any institution and that is why I have come on here on Medium.

I want to write about Psychology on here since I feel like my other creative pursuits have platforms where I can showcase my work. On here, I want to write for me …honestly! I want to understand Psychology better and serve people better not only with empathy, but with knowledge too. I want to be better and me writing on here(and reading, of course!), is what will help me, so help me God!

So, this is how it will work, I will be reading from various sources and coming on here and do a summary write-up of the discipline I have learnt. Read, write…Read, write. I will be doing DSM-5 for a start and maybe take small breaks to write about something else to break the monotony because DSM-5 ain’t no joke!

Alriiiight! Goodbye and see you in the next one!

